Windmill mobile recharger

According to researchers these micro windmills will recharge your cellphone in a few minutes.

Texas University’s researchers have built micro-windmill models to recharge small devices like smartphones. These models are no bigger than a pinhead and will offer an alternative power generation device. They say that the robotic technique behind these mills can revive an empty cellphone within a couple of minutes. The devices are made of flexible nickel which you can embed in mobile devices to capture wind. Holding your phone in the air or to an open window will make energy. It might be difficult being not sceptical about this micro-machines, but they could be a best bet to make this world greener and more sustainable.

Mental supportive t-shirts

These tees helps their wearers feel comfortable with their own health condition.

Most of the people who have mental health issues, don’t like to come out with it. But on the other hand, keeping your mouth shut can impede outsiders’ understanding and provoke misconceptions about it.

Living With: is a series of charitable t-shirts featuring designs that represent the wearer’s mental health disorder, helping to empower sufferers and provoke discussion. Living With tees represent the wearer’s health condition on a charitable way. It’s goal is to empower sufferers of mental health disorders. Every shirt has its own pattern which represent the experience of those who have a depression, ADHD or bipolar disorder. Most of the people won’t ask these persons about the meaning of their tees because they’re not obviously related to a disorder. And if a curious person does, it is up to the wearer to give his own interpretation of their disorder.


Travel guides made by Instagrams

Arlanda Airport – Sweden – has developed a Local’s Guide composed of real-time Instagrams.

The guide is made by people who live in ‘holiday cities’. By this personalized travel guide visitors can discover new locations based on other people’s pictures.
On this moment the cellphone application is available for tourists in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, London, New York, Bangkok, Copenhagen, Rome, Prague and Paris. The app uses Instagram pictures to create a real-time overview from the city. Every photo with a geotag will be shown. So you can see what REALLY happens on that moment and where you should go. The Stockholm Arlanda Airport also has installed large screens whereby a touchscreen version of the app is available. This video below shows how the app works.

Edible Instagrams

New dimension offline sharing, edible instagram marshmallows.

Instagram has made everybody in this world into a photographer and more and more concepts are created around Instagram to make it more popular. A while ago Stichagram appeared. A website that makes it possible to print your own Instagrams on a pillow sleeve, etui or a bag. The English company Boomf starts something new.

Boomf has created a site for creating your own Instagram marshmallows. After signing in with your Instagram account you can choose nine pictures to put on marshmallows. Thus you can share your sweets and fotoskills with your friends as well.



Last week we went to Gent on a studytrip. Thirty International Lifestyle students on the edge of their holiday. We’ve been asked to keep our eyes open and focus on the outrageous dressed up people. These people wear clothes over the top, or they want to look like art on a ironic way.

Of all people I’ve seen in Gent, no one was extually dressed like that. It never became more extreme than the pink hair of a emo girl. But during our coolhunting we encounter on ‘Absurd Pop’ kind of products. I can imagine, when someone has a Bambi or a Miffy in their houses, they have to be like superlunary themselves. So, I’m sure these people excist in Gent, but maybe they’re just hiding!


Lease a Jeans.

LeaseaJeansTwo weeks ago I had spoken to a friend which was writing his master thesis about sustainable clothes. One of his examples was Lease a Jeans, a brand new concept powered by Mud Jeans and almost released in Gent. While I was walking in the city centre of Gent, I saw some girl sharing flyers. Almost nobody took the flyer, so I did. Coincidentally it was a Mud Jeans flyer!


I didn’t have the opportunity to enter the shop, but the flyer had made me curious. For this reason I looked the concept up on the internet and figured out what Lease a Jeans exactly purports.

Lease a Jeans is an innovative fashion concept which makes fashion not only payable, but it makes fashion sustainable for real! You can lease a jeans you want for a fixed amount a month, hereby will sustainable fashion be payable for everyone. This jeans are made of 100% responsible recycled cotton and when a Mud Jeans is returned, the mill owner will turn it into a new one!


Shoe, what we’re gonna do?


Imagine your shoes can navigates you to your destination. Smartass Wilcox decided to make a pair of shoes which can navigate you to the destination you want to go and made a prototype where you can upload your destination with custom-made mapping and a USB connection to your own computer.  You can activate the GPS via a heel click, and the data from the GPS will communicate wirelessly to your right shoe, which will lead you to your destination!