First charity pop-up store

First pop-up charity shop called ‘The Street Store’ offers homeless people new clothes by using nothing more than posters.

This is fantastic and you can become part of it. Starting your own charity pop-up shop is easy. You only have to print some posters which tell people  the store is ‘open’ and that the clothes in this store are only meant to wear by homeless people. You just have to hang clothes for donation, through a gap in the printed posters or put your shoes in a specially designed shoe box. Homeless people are free to take this clothes with them. M&C Saatchi Abel has founded this amazing concept which gives homeless people a complete shopping experience.

If you want to start your own Street Store, visit the Street Store website and set up your shop. After you got approval from the city council of course.

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Mental supportive t-shirts

These tees helps their wearers feel comfortable with their own health condition.

Most of the people who have mental health issues, don’t like to come out with it. But on the other hand, keeping your mouth shut can impede outsiders’ understanding and provoke misconceptions about it.

Living With: is a series of charitable t-shirts featuring designs that represent the wearer’s mental health disorder, helping to empower sufferers and provoke discussion. Living With tees represent the wearer’s health condition on a charitable way. It’s goal is to empower sufferers of mental health disorders. Every shirt has its own pattern which represent the experience of those who have a depression, ADHD or bipolar disorder. Most of the people won’t ask these persons about the meaning of their tees because they’re not obviously related to a disorder. And if a curious person does, it is up to the wearer to give his own interpretation of their disorder.


Lease a Jeans.

LeaseaJeansTwo weeks ago I had spoken to a friend which was writing his master thesis about sustainable clothes. One of his examples was Lease a Jeans, a brand new concept powered by Mud Jeans and almost released in Gent. While I was walking in the city centre of Gent, I saw some girl sharing flyers. Almost nobody took the flyer, so I did. Coincidentally it was a Mud Jeans flyer!


I didn’t have the opportunity to enter the shop, but the flyer had made me curious. For this reason I looked the concept up on the internet and figured out what Lease a Jeans exactly purports.

Lease a Jeans is an innovative fashion concept which makes fashion not only payable, but it makes fashion sustainable for real! You can lease a jeans you want for a fixed amount a month, hereby will sustainable fashion be payable for everyone. This jeans are made of 100% responsible recycled cotton and when a Mud Jeans is returned, the mill owner will turn it into a new one!


Shoe, what we’re gonna do?


Imagine your shoes can navigates you to your destination. Smartass Wilcox decided to make a pair of shoes which can navigate you to the destination you want to go and made a prototype where you can upload your destination with custom-made mapping and a USB connection to your own computer.  You can activate the GPS via a heel click, and the data from the GPS will communicate wirelessly to your right shoe, which will lead you to your destination!

Holland’s first 3D printshop.

Holland’s firts 3D printshop will open his doors in January 2013. The shop called ‘3DSVP‘ offers the posibility to design gadgets, jewelery and interior articles yourselves. For example: a self-designed iPhone case will cost you €39,- but it is definately worth it!


Shapeways Holland was allready printing designs on people’s own order, one of these fabrics is settled in Eindhoven. But 3DSVP will be the first place to make it physical while you’re waiting.

Meeting worlds.

Imagine that there are two worlds. One is the shoe and fashion industrie, the other is the underworld. The world of the deceased people, where the only thing which left over is a couple of human teeth.

Nowadays there is trend, wich combines different kind of world. Look at this picture above. At first sight, it might look like a normal shoe, but if you look closer you’ll see that the sole is made of human teeth! This exemplar is developed by Fantich & Young.

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