‘The only real valuable thing is intuition.’

With this qoute of Albert Einstein I would start my story. Everybody has intuition, the most normal intuition form is ‘gut intuition’, the kind of intuition who is used automatically when you have to gross the street on the perfect moment, or when you are meeting someone new. It is also been seen as instinct. On the oposite of ‘gut intuition’ you’ll find ‘expert instinct’, a way of instinct developed during a long time work at the same environment. This way of instinct is fed bij ‘gut instinct’ but will be complimented bij experiences and insights.

On this very moment I’m following mij first semester of my second collegeyear at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. At the beginning of this first semester of International Lifestyle Studies, we went to Paris for intuitive forcasting to discover what’s happening in Paris. Besides we had to try out this new technique. ‘How to be an explorer of the world’ was our handbook, it helped us to be a better worldexplorer. Thirteen things in this book are find most important:

1. Allways look around
2. See everything that’s alive
3. EVERYTHING is interresting, provided that you look good
4. Put it regulary on an other track
5. Observe for a while
6. Listen to stories
7. Try to see patterns and make connections
8. Write down your findings in all different kind of ways
9. Indecision isn’t bad
10. Have eye for motion
11. Stay in conversation with your environment. Talk to it.
12. Discover the origin of stuff
13. Use ALL senses

You can see a couple of our findings below. We used all our senses, you might not see them all on the photographes.