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Vamorgen kreeg ik een overzicht van mijn statistieken in mijn inbox, hierin werd mijn afgelopen blogjaar uiteengezet. Toppunt van het jaar: Easy Wineglass met een viewers aantal van wel 670! Een bericht uit 2012 dat kennelijk nog steeds online rondcirkelt. In totaal hebben vanuit 39 landen verschillende mensen mijn blogs gelezen. Mocht je het leuk vinden om inzicht te krijgen in mijn statistieken, dan kan dat: klik hier om het complete rapport te bekijken.

Komend jaar wil ik met een hogere frequentie berichten posten om mijn eigen naam meer bekendheid te geven. Deze blogs zullen met name gaan over de onderwerpen: voeding, duurzaam leven en stedenbouw. Maar daarnaast ook alle nieuwe signalen die ik opvang en waardoor ik geïnspireerd raak.

In de tussentijd ben ik sinds juni onderdeel geworden van Haven & Monder, een adviesbureau op het gebied van conceptontwikkeling en projectmanagement. Met mijn specialisaties in Food en Living ben ik werkzaam als conceptontwikkelaar en trendanalist, je kunt altijd contact met mij opnemen voor meer informatie.


Edible water blob

Water bottles are environment's biggest problem. San Francisco is now on that point whereby they have banned the sale of bottled water on city property. UK students may have developed the solution. Ooho! a water carrying spherical membrane which can be eaten when it is finished. The blob is a combination of calcium chloride and brown algae cooked up and spread out on a rock of frozen water. When the ice melts, the globule maintains shape. To drink the water you only have to suck the membrane until it breaks. This edible and biodegradable packaging is just 0,02 dollars to make it.


3D printed garden

Slovenian students of the Maribor University have developed a 3D garden printer.

This 3D-printer makes it possible to print every kind of object you can imagine out of living grass. Tiskaj ZELENO also known as Print GREEN, makes a combination between art, technology and nature in one device. This printer prints using a mix of water, grass seeds and soil and this designs are capable to grow over time.

Kitchen garden wrap

Nourishmat, a DIY wrapable kitchen garden.

Gardening at home becomes more and more popular and a lot of initiatives be devised. But sometimes there is a person who wants to have a garden by himself but they can’t because they don’t have the knowledge. For those people Earth Starter developed Nourishmat, a wrapable kitchen garden! You can unroll this garden wherever you like and the all the rest is easy. You don’t have to weed and water will be saved by an inter irrigation system. Preprinted vegetables and names of spices give you clear instructions.

This is how Nourishmat works:

Rainy pots watering system

A cartoonish rain cloud with a pot has the purpose of gently watering plants.

Most of the time indoor plants have very fragile roots. Casual gardeners often don’t have an appropriate watering can. They use cups instead to dump water on their plants. This causes a plant to become stressed, which can decompose their roots. The mini water tank in the cloud can water plants more reasonable and gentle. Rainy Pots fit into everybody’s home as a design element. Unfortunately it’s not announced yet where or when they will be available to buy.

Throw it and Grow it.

Throw and Grow confetti

The Dutch company Niko Niko has developed a sustainable way to trow confetti on a party without making a mess! These colorful confetti has little seeds in it and thereby the paper is also biodegradable. A few months after you had an amazing party, these confetti has been transformed into a couple of beautiful flowers which will turn your garden into a colorful environment again.

You can buy the Throw & Grow confetti  as a Gift Box for €11.95 or a like a Party Box for €19.95!



Beware of the fridge

Jihyon Ryon, born in Korea, graduated at the Design Academy Eindhoven, developed ‘Save food from the fridge‘. A project whereby vegetables be preserved in a special way, namely on the wall. Jihyun takes temperature in account, because vegetables can be preserved too cold and with the position of the vegetables, because  the vegetables will lose energy when you keep them in a way that’s not similar to the way they grow. Did you know that the gasses from an apple – which get rid when you let them mature  – ensure a longer lasting good condition from a potato.

The design is made of glass and wood and only water and sand will be used to optimise the preserving of the vegetables. Beyond that this way preserving is the best way to keep your vegetables fresh, it also looks great. What do you think? Would you hang your vegetables on your wall? I will.

Holland’s first 3D printshop.

Holland’s firts 3D printshop will open his doors in January 2013. The shop called ‘3DSVP‘ offers the posibility to design gadgets, jewelery and interior articles yourselves. For example: a self-designed iPhone case will cost you €39,- but it is definately worth it!


Shapeways Holland was allready printing designs on people’s own order, one of these fabrics is settled in Eindhoven. But 3DSVP will be the first place to make it physical while you’re waiting.